ORTENGA works with client and stakeholders to identify goals and deliverables of the project.
ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals.
Partner ORTENGA in your next product concept, design, and development to realize that business goal.
ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous Automotive, SATCOM, radar, Smart City, WiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications System industries in Antenna, ASIC, Algorithm, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.
Scoping, Scheduling, and Budgeting any project is fundamental to any successful business plan.
Decomposing business requirements in to technical requirements are critical before return of investment in any project.
Scoping requires technical understanding of product and forming appropriate team which can deliver it.
ORTENGA is comprised of seasoned and skillful engineers who collaborate on innovative design in entrepreneurial environment to accomplish clients’ project.
Startups or Corporations are focused on their prime value proposition products which may need expertise outside of their engineering discipline. Access SME in radio communications and radar product lines for duration of the project. That is the key to cost effectiveness by budgeting and financing what is delivered. The schedule is driven by scope and Statement of Work. This model referred to as digital transformations.
The project can range from technical feasibility, competitor analysis, radio/wireless architecture and system, HW, FW, SW, Antenna and Algorithm design and developments.

ORTENGA is comprised of SME for radar and wireless communication systems and provides engineering skills where there is a gap in the client project roadmap, for duration of the project.
Typical HW could have antenna elements or array, transceiver, and baseband module with FPGA.
Depending on the project, the following services for DC-300GHz RF/mmW/Microwave radio communications devices, applications, and technologies are offered:
- Technical Feasibility Study
- Architecture trade off analysis
- System analysis, definition, and design
- Antenna Design and EM simulations
- Link Budget Analysis and Lineup
- Antenna: Radiation Pattern, SLL, Gain, Directivity, Return Loss, Effective Area, Efficiency
- Rx Chain: Antenna down to ADC input for systems Gain and impairments such as Thermal Noise, Phase Noise, Intermodulation Distortions, Quantization Noise, Image Rejection (I/Q imbalance), Blocker/Reciprocal Mixing, Filter rejection requirements
- Tx Chain: From DAC up to PA output for Spectral Regrowth, Quantization/Thermal/Unwanted Noise, Spurious Signals, Gain, Output Power, and Power Control Accuracy, Filter rejection requirements
- Data Converters, ADC/DAC: Sampling Rates, ENOB, Image Rejection, Dynamic Range, Harmonic Distortions, Spurious Signals
- BBU/FPGA/MODEM: Bit-Width computations and Sampling Rates, Algorithms such as; Carrier Recovery and Tracking, Timing Recovery, Signal Estimation and Detection, Automatic Gain Control, RF impairment Estimation and Correction, Channel Estimation, Equalization, and Interference Cancellation
- Frequency Synthesizer: PLL noise analysis and transient time response
- Multi-path fading analysis for Terrestrial
- Frequency Planning
- Design
- Implementation
- Requirements
- RF Calibration
- RF Impairment Management
- Interference and Jammer Management
- Digital Pre Distortion, DPD
- Automatic Frequency Control, AFC
- Automatic Gain Control, AGC
- Automatic Power Control, APC
- Envelope Tracking
- Beam Forming
- Beam Tracking
- Beam Splitting
- SLL Management
HW Design and Debug
- Turn Key Solution and design validation
- Component Verification
- Module and Subsystems design and development
- RF/mmW/Microwave metrology and debugging
- Signal and Power Integrity
- Thermal Management in Package Design and Routing
- Review, analysis, evaluation,
- Writing descriptions and drawings
- Prior Art Analysis
- Drafting Claim Chart for Patent Infringement case
- Testifying Expert
Reverse Engineering
- Competitive Analysis
- Evaluation
- Identify Patent Infringement
- FCC regulatory evaluation and resolve certification issues
- Semiconductor Devices and Technology Capabilities
- Customer Support
Product Applications
- Mobile and Edge devices
- User Equipment, UE
- Base Stations and Infrastructures
- Satellite Payload, User Terminal/UT, and HUB/GN
- Consumer Electronics
- Radar Systems Electronics
- Automotive Telematic Systems Electronics
- Robotic
- Wearable
IC and MMIC Design
- Sensor interface: buffer, trans-capacitance amplifier, etc.
- Low-power analog: amplifiers, comparators, VCO, filers
- Mixed-signal Design: ADC, DAC for ultra low-power to high-speed, sigma-delta, continuous-time or switched-capacitors sigma-delta and filters
- DSP Design from system-level specification to fixed-point design and implementation, RTL generation & verification
- RF/mmW Design: LNA, down-converter and up-converter mixer, PA driver, and PA
- ADS, Cadence, Matlab, Simulink with various Toolboxes, EDT (HFSS, Savant, EMIT)
- Set up top-down design methodology and analog-digital interface for fast project execution and verification
Architecture design
- Create innovative and efficient system-circuit architectures tailored to customer needs