The Smart City Concept has been taking shape for the past 15 years.

The concept is intelligent connectivity between commercial and public facilities to your handheld device, UE.

As you walk in downtown area, you will be able to access information regarding restaurants, bus or train schedules, post office, etc. at your request with much more user friendly applications.  You will be able to ask question of your UE and the response will pop up or voice to tell you about your destination, the ratings, wait time, menu, etc.

If you have a destination via train, your UE will make you aware of timeline, location, and other options to get you there, think of like Uber, Lyft, Amtrak applications are combined with much more info and extremely easy to use.

Currently, Barcelona is number 1 smart city, followed by Munich.

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Emergency Vehicles in Smart City

Any city quality of life can be measured by its First Responders’ services.

Currently, the dispatchers are the conduit between Emergency Vehicles and the person in need until the First Responders arrive at the scene.

In Smart City that would change, as soon as the person in need contact First Responders, i.e., Fire Department, they can be directly connected to the First Responders team leader heading to the scene.

That connectivity enables the First Responders to start their work even before they arrive at scene.

Paramedic is on the way and making the first introductions in advance.  The person in need is already in good hand and describing the nature of emergency s/he is facing.

The time of arrival, the specifics of neighborhood directions, etc. are all handled directly between the service provider and the user.

That type of service requires direct and intelligent 1connectivity between Emergency Vehicle and third-party mobile device.

Partner with ORTENGA to define your product in such a way that fits in Smart City.


Drone Technology

Drone technology is used for many new commercial applications.

Many of the commercial applications can be lumped into Smart City application.

In rural area, Drones will be used in agriculture industry.

Highways control will be managed by Drones as well.

The advanced of semiconductor technologies and particularly ASIC developments have enabled many out of box alternative solutions to legacy products.

ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals.

Partner ORTENGA in your next product concept, design, and development to realize that business goal.

ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous Automotive, SATCOM, radar, Smart City, WiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications industries in Antenna, ASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.


NB-IoT Applications and Classifications

Narrow Band Internet of Thing, NB-IoT, is one out of three 5G Use Cases, which will interconnect consumer electronics to internet.  NB-IoT is the fastest growing market.  NB-IoT devices will be approximately 50 billion by early 2020’s and will continue to grow.

The following diagram illustrates the applications and classifications of NB-IoT.

NB-IoT devices will have application platform on UE, so that the user can be communicate with any IoT device.

5G UE and NB-IoT devices will enable many new vertical businesses that do not exist today and will be available in few short years.

ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous AutomotiveSATCOM, radar, Smart City, WiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications System industries in Antenna, ASIC, Algorithm, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.


V2X Connectivity

Vehicle to other vehicles, gNB, pedestrians, and traffic infrastructure is called V2X connectivity.

In addition to radar for navigation and situational awareness, Autonomous Automotive would require V2X for connectivity.

V2X uses terrestrial mobile communications to connect with other radios in the vicinity and beyond.

Road safety and reaching destination on time require various sensing and coordination between available traffic information and situational awareness.

ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals and realize the return of investment.