Wavelet Transform Radar Signal Processing

Historically, Fourier Transform, FT is used for radar signal processing.

With the introduction of Fast Fourier Transform, FFT and advancement of DSP in ASIC, radar technology has significantly grown.

It is well known that there is fundamental limitation to time and frequency resolution which is govern by Ambiguity function.

Wavelet Transform, WT has however better time and frequency resolution.

WT relies on octave frequencies, i.e., even harmonics and ignore odd harmonics completely.

Octave based echolocation is used by bat.

Octave based signals are fundamental to music and harmonious.

Whereas, odd harmonics are not desired at least in human audio signals.

Orca echolocation sonar utilizes symmetric waveform, which have even and odd harmonics.

Orca sounds are not harmonious and could be frightening.

Chirped or phase coded radar waveform only contains even harmonic, in other words octave-based signals content.

Therefore, for these types of waveform, WT could be utilized for DSP by radar processor.

There appear some advantages by utilizing WT when asymmetric waveform are processed.

First, odd harmonics is not processed and it could save processing time.

Second, odd harmonic distortions caused by the radar system impairments mechanism cannot be confused as a real radar target.

ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals.

ORTENGA is comprised of seasoned and skillful engineers who collaborate on innovative design in entrepreneurial environment to accomplish clients’ project.

Partner ORTENGA in your next product concept, design, and development to realize that business goal.

ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous AutomotiveSATCOMradarSmart CityWiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications industries in AntennaASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.



What is Startup Company 3rd Challenge?

High Tech startup companies go through many challenges before they become successful and return the investments.

If the startup companies pass first and second challenges, successfully, this 3rd challenge would be the next major hurdle which is typically decisive to their existence and for returning the investments and go clear of incurring more loss year over year and searching for more investors in the business market.

3rd yet the most challenging hurdle is scaling.  Those companies who are executing sounds plan, they would measure the new market before scaling too early.

Typical, scaling too early is when the startup company assumes their technology would have wide market acceptance without actually have any supporting artifacts or data to support their business decisions.

Time and time again startup company to satisfy their investors, forecast over blown volume which are not based on market trend.  And they spend these valuable investments on parts and components which most likely would sit in the company, without being used.

Other time, the startup deviates from their core technology and blindly driving engineering to develop components or subsystem which are readily available and the in-house development could only be justified for large volume productions.  That decision making process is driven blindly, without any business justifications and by stakeholder(s) who fully don’t appreciate engineering development challenges and associated cost for successful executions.  This hurts the startup company in 3 different ways.  First, the spent limited resources on frivolous and un-necessary project while tying the engineering means that actual work does not get done. Second, the spent scarce cash flow is wasted on un-necessary project.  Third, which could be the most important commodity that they could never replace, is spent time cannot be replaced and push the actual technology development for a product further to the right.

This 3rd challenge of startup companies sort out many mediocre business plan for sounds planning.

Scaling up too early puts many startups companies on the fund raising dry up course and forcing their management to downsize the very same engineering team who design and developed their new technology.

Every year, Apple announces a new iPhone in September.

Yet their costumers can pre-order online or at stores before getting their iPhone in October or November.

Apple collects statistical data of daily per-order and use appropriate statistical model to predict the market trend and making measured commitment every step in the execution plan.

Even, Apple a multi billion-dollar corporation with significant engineering resources is prudent before ramping to full production.  Because, they have realized that direction is more important than speed.

Partner with ORTENGA to analyze market trend and predict volume productions.

ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals.

ORTENGA is comprised of seasoned and skillful engineers who collaborate on innovative design in entrepreneurial environment to accomplish clients’ project.

ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous AutomotiveSATCOMradarSmart CityWiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications industries in AntennaASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.



Corporations Show Technical Leadership in Economic Down Cycle

Corporations go through many ups and downs cycle, especially if they don’t have long term vision and execution plan.

It is during the economic down cycle which they really demonstrate their market leadership by coming up with new direction in technology as engineering resources are easily accessible.

In spite of that, many corporations have to cut cost to survive and keep their market value to show their stock holders.

The number of one cost cutting, “easy” choice, is reducing engineering labor cost.  The very same part of the organization who is responsible to bring about new technical advances and lead the company out of the economic hardship.

In some of these companies, the down cycle is only for a quarter or two, so this labor cost cutting “the fat” so to speak, has that short term overhead reduction and increase their likelihood to survive the down cycle.

For some other companies, which their products are not competitive any longer in the market from both cost and technology perspective, any short-term cost cutting would not benefit them.  They have high overhead cost and a diminishing market share product.

Therefore, during the down cycle, they can cut labor cost by experienced engineering and replacing with “fresh blood”.  This approach fixes quarterly reports and appears to be cost effective, as the overhead is significantly reduced.  Yet, in practice there are two issues.  First, the new hires cannot necessarily replace the experienced engineering, especially if they are not adequately trained.  Second, the issue is the product portfolio which is too expensive and not competitive in the market.  The labor cost cutting, makes the company looks appealing for investors to buy and merge the legacy IPs into a bigger corporation, which is the best scenario.

The long-lasting technical corporations’ business plan are drastically different.  First, they are aware that soon or later their competitions would catch up with legacy products.  Consequently, they spent significantly on developing and feasibility study of new technology, annually.  Which enables them to have new product continuously. Second, they meticulously hire even during good economic up cycle, keeping “tight belt”.  The hiring approach pays off for them when there is down cycle when everyone else is cutting the labor cost.  In some rare cases, these companies even get to hire during the economic down cycle, as they are ahead of the down cycle wave and ready to launch new product into the market.

ORTENGA helps businesses to identify required technical features to realize their business goals.

Partner ORTENGA in your next product concept, design, and development to realize that business goal.

ORTENGA is comprised of seasoned and skillful engineers who collaborate on innovative design in entrepreneurial environment to accomplish clients’ project.

ORTENGA has seasoned engineering from Autonomous AutomotiveSATCOMradarSmart CityWiFi, and Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications industries in AntennaASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.